Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Azerbaijan and France investigate cooperation opportunities in agriculture

Baku - APA-Economics. Within the framework of his visit to France, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Agriculture Ismat Abbasov met with French senator Nathalie Goulet in Lower Normandy Region in the northern France, prefect of that region Jean Christophe Morro, mayor of Alençon town Joaquim Pueyo.

According to APA-Economics, the meetings focused on bilateral cooperation in concrete directions in agriculture.

While acquainting with activity of Riches Monts Raclette Cheese Co. in Orne, I.Abbasov spoke about opportunities to apply such technologies in Azerbaijan. At the press conference in Orne, the minister said that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev pays great importance to expansion of relations in different spheres, including agriculture. He stressed that this visit aims to investigate concrete cooperation directions in agriculture between the two countries.

Answering questions of reporters on Khojaly Genocide, Abbasov assessed this genocide as one of the worst tragedies in the history of mankind and crime against humanity. The Minister thanked Azerbaijan’s friends for supporting territorial integrity and right position of Azerbaijan on this issue.

Thereafter Abbasov familiarized with activity of French National Institute of Agricultural Research, researches in genetics sphere, as well as experience farm where the Normandy cows are bred.

At the meeting in IMV Technologies engaging in artificially fermentation of animals, possibility of import of the company’s products to Azerbaijan was discussed.

It was noted at the meeting with authority of l’Egl city of Orne Privince that, the visit will contribute to strengthening of friendship links between Azerbaijan and France, as well as fraternizing of l’Egl and Maftalan cities.

Minister Abbasov noted that France is an important partner for Azerbaijan, the mutual relations with this country develops as a result of efforts of President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyev, Projects implemented by the Foundation in France and Azerbaijan’s wide publicity in France.

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