Thursday, February 28, 2013

Egypt: Minister of Supply - Wheat Reserves Sufficient Until June

Egypt's Minister of Supply and Home Trade displayed in a cabinet meeting on Wednesday a report on the reserve of supply commodities stating that the current reserve of wheat is sufficient until June 27.
The report states that the current reserve of local and imported wheat amounts to 2,922,000 ton which is adequate for 95 days, adding to it the current foreign contracts to supply wheat that reached 78, 000 ton, the total would be three million tons, reported the Middle East News Agency.

Meanwhile, the currently existing and contracted sugar reserve equals to 290, 000 ton which would last for 71 days, in addition to nearly 8,000 of daily produced sugar cane, the sugar supply will last till October.
Cooking oil reserves equals 90, 000 ton, which is sufficient till the end of April. The additional cooking oil reserves reached 142, 000 ton, which will lat till mid-May.
Existing and contracted rice reserves are 113, 000 tons which would last until April.

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